Monday, May 23, 2011

They made my DAY!

May 17 2011

Had a WONDERFUL day with Fasihah Roslan, Fatin Ab and my primary school peeps!
Setelah sekian lama berpisah dengan buah hati jantung I ,Fasihah Roslan, so that day at last dapat jgak kluaq dengan die. Fatin joined us too. Ouh ya, Fatin nie my primary school friend. 

Kitaowang pegi BJ ja coz after that we have a reunion party to attend.
Party tu starts at 6, so in order to kill the time, Fasz Fatin and me decided to watch
Movie nie sangat2 funnay sampai I tergelak terkekekh sampai POPCORN dalam mulut tersembuq kat org depan! okayh tipu! Tapi serius movie nie lawaklah!

Storyline die takla logic sgt, tp if terasa nak gelak, then you should go for this movie.
Shahezy Sam did a good job and Ejat (yg brlakon dlm Anam Mamak Menantu Mami) was damn FUNNAY!
Overall, if I have to rate this movie, I will give 7 out of 10.

Then right after the movie, kitaowang terus serbu KFC!
Actually, my friend Teguh Primadian yang organized this Reunion Party. 
He's working at KFC, so he decided to treat us.
There were 11 of us, first time pegi KFC dah ada org reserved meja and kitaowg duduk, tunggu waiter dtg hantaq the AYAM! WOW, rasa kinda COOL!

I was really happy to meet them after such a long time. Semua dah besar2 and op coz makin cantik+hensem! Ada setengah tu memang I xcam, after they showed me their IC, baru nak, ouhh yaa!!! hang ka yang selalu dok kejaq aku dulu! hahaha. Those memorable moments!

Overall, I enjoyed myself, spending time with old buddies ,talking bout 'THE OLD TIMES", laughing over the old same jokes, teasing each other bla bla bla and bla.
Wow, now I really feel like am growing OLDER. No joke man, 20 is a big number!yeahh man(usher tone)

So as we are growing older, let us treasure every moments in our live. Keep those memories as safe as you can so that nanti bole la stori2 kat ur anak2 and tell them how fun was your teenager's live. 
Paling Penting, we need to be a GOOD EXAMPLE to our child.
Makin Besar, makin Matang kita. So we need to repair all our weaknesses and slowly move towards the brightness of our live. 
Kalau kita sendiri tak berusaha nak perbaiki diri, who else can help us kan?;)

Lastly, I would love to thanks my old buddies for giving me such a wonderful memory. Let us keep in touch with each other. And bunch of thanks to Teguh Primadian for your kindness. Nanti aku dah keja, aku plak BELANJA okayh!

Bye Loves, Till We Meet Again

Tags : Fasihah Roslan, Fatin Ab, Teguh Primadian, Hami Amiruddin, Tinesh Nair, Dzulamirul Ismail, Nurulkifly Shukor, Ayu, Yan Joong, Animegurlzz.

For you.....scroll scroll scroll.....


 Hai, Saya adek Pierre Andree;)


 Itu Fatin Ab;)

I Love Barbie-Doll!

 My Old Friends!

 Semua muka tak sabag nak LAHAP Ayam tu!

 Itu Buah Hati saya FASIHAH!

credits to FASIHAH ROSLAN!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Something to think about.

Actually pesanan nie buat diri I yang suka sgt LALAI dengan keduniaan, then tetiba terfikir tak salahkan if nak share ngan semua.

First of all, bunch of thanks to Heliza Helmi coz she's the reason I started to Google bout this.
Okayh what am I talking bout here is, semalam ada terbukak FB Heliza, and akak Heliza kita nie rajin sgt Post bout ayat2 suci yang bole dibaca time lapang. 

Ada satu link nie, so I pun tekanlah, then i dgr Sheikh Mishary reciting surah Al-Mulk. Sedap+Merdu sgt3! 

Tetiba jerr terfikir, I know am not perfect and sebagai Hamba Allah s.w.t banyak sangat2 dosa dilakukan.Tapi sebesar mana pun dosa kita, kalau kita ikhlas bertaubat, dosa2 kita dimaafkan. Betapa MULIANYA ALLAH s.w.t. 

Kekadang I terpikir, dah banyak sangat I meminta padaNYA, dan Alhamdullilah setakat nie I dapat ja semua. Tiada kekurangan. Terima Kasih Allah s.w.t. 
I taw, sometimes even dah dapat apa I nak, I stil nak lagi, nak lagi nak lagi.Then kekadang dh dapat complaint la tu! iishhh. I need to change!
Kalau kita masih tak bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada, it shows that kita nie UMAT YANG TIDAK TAHU APA ITU ERTI SYUKUR!

 So, today lemme share you something, not much but at least something :

1.If kita dalam kesusahan dan buntu, baca Ayat Al-Kursi dan akhir surat Al-Baqarah. InsyaAllah Allah s.w.t akan menolong kita.
Dalam sebuah hadis lain, baginda bersabda: Barang siapa membaca ayat al-Kursi dan akhirsurah al-Baqarah ketika kesusahan nescaya Allah menolongnya. ...

2.Saiyidina 'Abdullah bin Abbas berkata: "Barangsiapa membaca surah Al Mulk sehingga menjadi amalan wiridnya, nescaya ia mendapat bantuan dan pertolongan dari Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala di dalam kuburnya. Bila azab hendak datang ke pihak kepala, terdengar satu seruan: "Tidak boleh engkau datang ke pihak kepala ini kerana ada surah Al Mulk."
Begitulah keadaanya bila azab itu pergi ke pihak kaki dan perutnya. Kerana semuanya mengandungi surah Al Mulk."

So, Allah s.w.t dah bagi banyak sangat cara utk kita menebus balik dosa2 kita dan Allah s.w.t akan selalu menolong hambaNYA yang selalu mengigatiNYA.

One more, janganlah bila kita dalam kesusahan, time tu baru nak sembahyang, and mintak doa nangis2, sewajarnya setiap saat kita ingat Allah s.w.t. InsyaAllah Allah s.w.t akan bantu.
And if something bad still happen, it means ada HIKMAH di sebalik setiap yang berlaku. Always think positive. 

Lets enjoy this life sambil kita igt pesanan Allah s.w.t and lets make sure kebahagiaan kita bukan setakat di dunia saja, tapi di akhirat jua. AMIN.

Note to myself:  No matter what you do NUR AISHA, keep your faith in Allah s.w.t and don't give up. I know am not perfect, InsyaAllah jom kita sama2 perbaiki diri kita. Memang bukan senang, but nothing is IMPOSIBBLE KAN. NEVER SAY NEVER;)


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Its been a while..

Listening to : MJ-Beat It

hey, its been a while since I update this blog kan. Nak cakap I buzy, memang tipula kan coz sekarang kan tgh cuti. So what was Nur Aisha doing all this while sampai taleh nak update blog? hehehe

ok lemme tell you more about my so called 'TIGHT SCHEDULE':

Wake up in the morning feeling like Lady Gaga...~ttba ja~
Then after breakfast, mulakan perjalanan dengan berFB.
Spend around 20 mins on FB...
Then bukak Utube search bout latest Songs+Movies+SuperJunior+FunnyVideos and etc etc..

Sometimes Google bout whats happening around the world. ~Haruslah keep updated kan~

I'll start with my Korean Dramas+Reality show.
Currently am addicted to WE GOT MARRIED(WGM) : YeongSeo Couple.

For those who dont' know what WGM is all about, it is a famous reality show in Korea. 2 korean artists (Male +Female) will be chosen and they have to live as a married couple throughout the proggramme. The chosen female artist must really learnt on how to be a good wife while the male artist must protect the wife and of coz portray a good attitude as well. It is very2 funny to see their awkwardness and how they really work hard to improve themselves. 

P/S: For those yg nak khawin, I will strongly recommend you to watch WGM. Byk mende bole dipelajari;)

So begitulah routine seharian saya. Dah la sekarang dah ada Astro Beyond, pagi siang malam keja dok tengok channel 393 : ONE;) 

Eyh eyh, eventhough I tengok semua nie, tanggungjawab sebagai anak perempuan I xlupa taw. I still tlg mama sapu rumah, lipat baju, and Iron baju. ~basic2 things la~. okayh la tu kan;)

So, cuti nie you guys buat apa? cer citer cer citer*wink*

Note To Myself: Currently I'M planning nak buat something yg berfaidah sebelum cuti nie habis. Still planning.......~any idea? feel free to tell me~


YongHwa CN bLUE + SeoHyun SNSD = YongSeo 

Saturday, May 7, 2011



Hari ini adalah Hari Ibu, so kengkawan mari kita berfikir sejenak, so far apa yang kita dah buat untuk membanggakan Ibu kita? 
You don't have to answer me, just close your eyes and think bout it.

As for me, I've not done nothing great yet, selalunya I menyusahkan my mom ja tapi adalah gak kekadang(once in a blue moon) membanggakan die with my achievements (tak besar mana pun, kecik2 jerr). Am not gonna talk bout my achievements here, itu entry laen kayh. As for now I would like to focus on MY MAMA!

MY DEAR MAMA INA, thank you very very much for being a wonderful mom and take good care of me. You are the best MOM!  I know you've gone through lots of difficulties in your life but still you are still strong and your will cover up all your difficulties with that bright smile on your face and ensure your children get watever they want! There's nothing that you've not done for me. You gave me every single thng that I demanded for without any hesitation. Thank You Mama!

I don't know How am I  suppose to repay this good deeds of yours but trust me Mama one day you will be proud of me. I may not be the best daughter but I'll try my level best to repair all my weaknesses for you Mom. I will try to ease your burden and I will ensure that bright smile on your face will never fade. Keep on smiling Mama, no matter in what situation you are, remember you have your children with you so just keep on smilng and hang on there.

 I don't know how to put them in words but I LOVE YOU to the max Mama. You are the BEST EVER GIFT that ALLAH s.w.t gave and I will treasure you Mama.

Thanks again for being so loving and caring, and I know lately I'm making you mad by being so obssesed bout KOREA-Super Junior. hehe. But no worries Mama, I still can control my self, gwenchana gwenchana;)hehe

So to MAMA INA, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! YOU'RE THE BEST. I'll pray for your happiness. STAY HEALTHY AND PRETTY okayh Mama! 


Friday, May 6, 2011


Okayh, today lemme introduce someone who is very SWEET

Okayh people, this is Nur Azimah Mohd, the cutest ever cousin that I've ever had. Kalau nak tawu, Azimah, Myra(my another cousin), both of them complete ME. Dua2 orang nie memang sekepala ngan I. So since today is Azi's bday, lemme focus on her kayh. Myra nnt kita story2 tyme birthday die lak;)

Not to mention, Azimah is one of the important person in my life. She knows every single tiny miny thing bout me! She has been there for me lending me a warm shoulder to cry on during my hard times! I really feel grateful towards Allah S.W.T for givng me such a wonderful cousin. What else do I need kan, I have a wonderful FAMILY, wonderful FRIENDS and now wonderful COUSINS! COMPLETE LOVE!

So Nur Azimah Mohd, Many More Happy Returns of the day! You're such a wonderful girl and you are special in your very own way.You inspired me in many ways and thank you for being such a lovey dovey girl! Today is your BIG DAY so enjoy and cherish this moment okayh. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL! 

P/S: Don't be too upset bout the upu tingy coz something better is waiting for you. Hang on there with a big smile okayh;)



Kome Kome semua, cuti nie kome buat apa ek? cer citer cer citer;)
Nak tawu apa saya buat?? Mestilah saya BERKOREA 24-7! hihi. Hari2 berYOUTUBE pasal Superjunior and so on. Tapi, on Friday night, sorry saya dh tak layan Korea, Every Friday night kol 9 saya layan MAHARAJALAWAK kat Astro Citra!;) Terkejut? sejak bla si Ecah mula layan Maharajalwak nie muah??haha

Citer nya gini, bila dok Beringin, roomate tercinta saya Zue and the geng gong suka dok ketawa berdekeh-dekeh tgk satu program nie. Saya pun teruja la kan, program apa yg menarik sgt tuu?? Then bila lepak ngan dieorg sekali saya plak mula kekekekekek! hahah. Memang gelak smpai terkejut penduduk Beringin, expecially bila JOZAN perform! Yess! Saya peminat JOZAN! hehe.

Sebenaqnya saya mula suka Zizan sejak tgk APBH ritu. Then bila tgk Maharajalawak, suka plak kt JOZAN! Gandingan yang  mantop gitu! 

Untuk org2 yang tidak tahu apa itu Maharajalawak, meh ceq nak ceta! Maharajalwak nie sebnaqnya sambungan dari RajaLawak. Cuma kali nie dieorg pilih finalis2 dari setiap musim RajaLawak utk bertanding. Juara akn dpt RM200ribu if am not mistaken. Byk gak yang bertanding tapi  my favourite of coz la JOZAN, NABIL, SEPAH and JAMBU!

So, mlm nie if tataw nak buat apa, cepat2 pegi langgan Astro Warna Pakej Mustika and tgk kay. Gerenti tak menghampakan;);)

Asyik membebel, takdak pic tak besh la kan. So scroll scroll scroll;)



JOZAN-minggu 2

JOZAN-minggu 3

JOZAN-minggu 1

ZIZAN- minggu 4

 Lu Pikirla Sendiri!


Muka Legend Hati Cute!;)

Monday, May 2, 2011


   FRIDAY 29.04.2011

If only if  I could attend that wedding ceremony, hhgaishh it would be really AWESOME! I really wanted to watch their live telecast ceremony but unfortunately I was having my final so daaa dream on la kan! memang tadaptla nak tengok! Then time my dad fetch me on Saturday, naek2 kereta ja he mentioned bout this wedding. He said it was really fascinating and mesmerizing! Dia siap cakap "Kenapa tak tengok? you should at least Google it. 1 WHOLE WORLD was watching the live telecast!" I zipped my mouth and told myself "Okay fine, balik rumah I'll you-tube it:!"

And of coz I did! pas Google-Google baru taw how grand their wedding was! Like seriously! Prince Willam and Kate Middleton both of them were so adorable and loving! I really love the way Prince William gave that 'romantic look" while leaning over to Kate and  said "You look beautiful"! and Kate just gave that bright smile that could light up the whole LONDON! *propa*hehe;)

OK, why on earth am I writing about them now??  because their wedding ceremony is one of the historical event that should be remembered. After the historical wedding event of Prince Charles and Diana Spencer 30 years ago, here comes the next historical wedding event of Prince William (son of Prince Charles and Diana Spencer) and Kate Middleton. William and Middleton or better known as WK has been dating for the past 8 years. So finally, last Friday they decided to tie the knot. Prince William will be the future KING of ENGLAND and of coz Kate Middleton will be the future QUEEN. ouhh, how sweet! 
ouuhh how I wish my wedding ceremony will be as big as theirs. Kalu bukan 1dunia tgk pun, 1 Malaysia pun dah cukup..noo 1 Penang pun dh cukup! hehe. over kan! tapi kekadang angan2 nie la yg akan jadi kenyataan. InsyaAllah. amin.

Okay now let me tell you more about the W.K wedding!

With not one but two kisses and tender whispered words, Prince William and Kate Middleton smiled and blushed Friday as they started their life as future king and queen. A day of seamless pageantry inspired hopes that this royal couple might live happily ever after.
They appeared at ease throughout their wedding day, with William fighting back giggles at times, while Kate's smile lit up television screens, especially when her new husband leaned over to say, "You look beautiful."
Their intimacy stood in sharp contrast to the lack of chemistry between a wooden Prince Charles and Diana Spencer 30 years ago when they began a marriage that ultimately collapsed in embarrassing tabloid headlines and turned many Britons against the monarchy.
A million people lined the procession route from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace, many crying with joy. Cheers went up as the couple exchanged the traditional kiss on the balcony, followed by chants of "One more kiss!" The couple waved and smiled and, to a frenzy of delight, obliged.
An estimated 2 billion people tuned into the live broadcast in what may have been the most-viewed event in history.
The security operation was the largest since Charles and Diana's 1981 wedding, and the day went off without a hitch. Police dispersed scattered protests from anti-monarchists and anarchists and arrested 55 people for offenses including drunkenness, breach of peace, and theft, but the mood was overwhelmingly celebratory.
"Everybody's happy, everybody's united," said 61-year-old Sabry Darwish, who was in the crowd watching the parade route. "Everybody is behind the bride and groom."
Many praised the couple's rare combination of humility, humor and grace. Kate was a commoner from a wealthy but middle-class family who actually worked for a living after university; William has long had his mother's touch in connecting to the public, and surprised fans who slept on the pavement overnight by personally thanking them Thursday for braving the cold.
The 28-year-old prince even displayed a quality almost never seen among royalty: humor. Surveying the 1,900 guests filling the abbey in their wedding finery, he turned to his father-in-law, Michael Middleton, and quipped: "We're supposed to have just a small family affair."
Then after a reception at Buckingham Palace, he took his new wife for a spin, driving a dark-blue Aston Martin Volante festooned with ribbons, bows and balloons – and a license plate that read "JU5T WED."
It was the kind of display that made some wonder whether the couple just might bring the British monarchy back from the abyss.
"It's a real turning point for the royal family," Nicki Hookings, 47, said at one of thousands of street parties across Britain to celebrate the national holiday.
For much of the world, the wedding was a dramatic reaffirmation of 29-year-old Kate's beguiling star power. Despite the pressure, she carried the day with an easy smile, youthful exuberance and a sense of decorum that matched the event. And when it was over all over, she curtsied easily before Queen Elizabeth II, comfortably sharing the stage with the woman who has reigned since 1952.
Crowds from Australia to Zimbabwe clasped Union Jack flags and donned hats – and wedding gowns – to show their enthusiasm.
"It's one happy event in the world right now," said San Francisco attorney Laura Claster, who traveled to London to be with the crowds. "It gives us a day of celebration to forget the troubles in the world."
In a statement, the White House offered congratulations. "On this occasion, the American people extend heartfelt congratulations to the peoples of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth and share in their hopes for a bright future for the Royal couple."
The day was a visual feast for fashion enthusiasts. Guests wore extravagant hats, some costing more than 1,000 pounds ($1,600), but all eyes were on the bride's dress, the best-kept secret of the day.
The ivory-and-white satin gown, with its dramatic neckline, sheer lace sleeves and eight-foot train, was designed by Sarah Burton at Alexander McQueen and reminded some of the wedding dress worn by a princess from another era, the late Grace Kelly of Monaco.
Kate wore her hair down and pulled back from her face, covered with a lace-edged veil and a diamond tiara on loan from the queen. Her dramatic oak-leaf-shaped diamond earrings were a gift from her parents.
William, second-in-line to the throne after his father, wore the scarlet tunic of an Irish Guards officer, reinforcing his image as a dedicated military man. Maid of honor Pippa Middleton wore a simple column dress, while best man Prince Harry chose formal military attire.
The sighting of the wedding gown prompted swoons of admiration as Kate stepped out of a Rolls-Royce with her father at the abbey. Against all odds, at that moment the sun broke through the steely gray skies.
The long aisle leading to the altar was lined with maple and hornbeam trees as light streamed in through the high arched windows. The soft green foliage framed the couple against a red carpet as they recited their vows flawlessly before Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams.
After a ceremonial drive around London in an open-topped horse-drawn carriage, the couple appeared with the queen and their wedding party on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, where the highly anticipated first – and second – kisses brought screams of delight from the crowd.
It was then that photographers from around the world captured one of the day's most memorable images: As the couple locked lips, 3-year-old bridesmaid Grace van Cutsem held her hands over her ears and scowled as she tried to block the sound of Royal Air Force planes screaming overhead.
Earlier in the day, the queen had bestowed upon the couple their first royal wedding present: the titles of the duke and duchess of Cambridge.
There has been speculation that William, his popularity only enhanced by his new wife, should step ahead of his father to become the next king. Many consider the 62-year-old Prince Charles stuffy and disconnected from ordinary people.
But that's unlikely to happen. Many in Charles' inner circle say he's waited too long to step aside – even for his son.
In Bucklebury, the sprawling village where Kate grew up 50 miles (80 kilometers) west of London, jubilant crowds filled the streets to celebrate the hometown girl who could be queen. Some of its residents were at the wedding, including the town butcher and baker.
"These are two young people very much in love," butcher Martin Fidler said outside the abbey.
John Haley, owner of the Old Boot Inn who knows the bride from her visits to the pub in the nearby village of Stanford Dingley, said he teared up as he caught her eye during the ceremony.
"It was unbelievable," he said. "It was just fabulous and more than I expected."
The palace was holding two parties: one in the afternoon for 650 guests, and a dinner dance for 300 close friends.
Arriving for the latter, Kate pronounced it a "great day."
"I am glad the weather held off," she said, appearing radiant in a strapless white satin evening gown with a circle skirt and diamante embroidered detail around the waist, another Sarah Burton creation.
Ben Fogle, a friend of the couple and television presenter, said the mood was relaxed during afternoon festivities at Buckingham Palace with "very funny and heartfelt speeches."
The flag went down as the queen and her husband left the palace for the younger royals to party the night away – and for Harry to make his best man's speech away from his grandparents' ears.
It was rumored that Harry planned a "British fry-up" breakfast for those still standing at dawn.
The couple has been living in a modest house in Wales near the base where William serves as an Air Force search and rescue helicopter pilot, and will continue to do so after their honeymoon, which remains shrouded in secrecy. The prince "really is one of us," said Sgt. Keith Best, a paramedic on William's team.

and now let the pictures tell you the story:)
Stunning Kate Middleton!

Maid of Honour : Pipa Middleton (Kate's sister)

Arrival of Prince William and Kate;)


You're Beautiful;)

The Royal First Kiss!

Prince William's + Kate's family

Hopefully the will live happily ever after.